21 02, 2015



10,000 PEOPLE WALK FOR LIFE   Delhi, India, Feb. 8 2015: CanSupport's 8th Walk For Life—for those in remission, those living with cancer, and those honored ones who have left—is a miraculous event, and this year I was asked to perform! What an honor. Through the partnership of TSP with CanSupport, I work with so many of the people who were celebrated and remembered, as well as all the doctors, nurses, counselors, and office staff. [line-sep] Check out the blog and slide show READ MORE

DELHI NEWS – CANSUPPORT2019-10-09T18:00:00+00:00
21 02, 2015



TSP & AMAZONSMILE   A Great New Way to Help Support TSP AmazonSmile. Everything you love about Amazon.com, plus, with every purchase, you get to support The Storydancer Project's programs and trainings that bring greater health, resilience, self-worth and leadership to marginalized and disadvantaged communities in the US and abroad. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO GET STARTED The Storydancer Project Inc

TSP & AMAZONSMILE2019-10-09T18:00:00+00:00