6 03, 2018

Blog ~ March 2018 Delhi, India


View Through a Crack in the Worlds Goodbye, India, for now! It is with a great bow of thanksgiving that I am writing today, in the last throes of packing my clothes and all the different articles it takes to be here in Delhi. Preparing to leave India for a few months and get ready for works in USA, my bags are again heavy. My heart is so full, and I have so much to share—things and feelings both. I am not sure that any photos and descriptions can display the amount of affection, warmth, and kind connections that are constantly and [...]

Blog ~ March 2018 Delhi, India2020-01-21T22:50:35+00:00
9 01, 2018

BLOG ~ January 2018 Delhi, India


Going out with a CanSupport Home Care Team in Delhi, India Today, I began my work with the Home Care teams by accompanying the team with a counselor of CanSupport whom I have trained. I went with her team which that day was the counselor, a nurse, myself, and a driver. Sometimes an area has two teams with one doctor, so if that is the case, the doctor regularly goes between the two teams. Before we left the office, they insisted I have tea with the teams, and I met the new doctor in their area. There are over 20 teams in Delhi, each [...]

BLOG ~ January 2018 Delhi, India2019-10-09T18:00:00+00:00